
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2016

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Why Use Augmented Reality in Your Warehouse or Distribution Center While most everyone has heard of an augmented reality (AR) eyeglass-type product, many have only seen it being used for consumer applications. Now, the trend is to use this technology commercially; for the logistics industry, there are many potential use cases in a warehouse. First, let’s discuss the basic definition of AR, then we can dive a little deeper into how this  innovative  piece of technology could potentially be used in a warehouse. It is important to distinguish AR from virtual reality (VR). VR is complete immersion in a virtual world – with no outside stimulus. VR is much more common and is mostly used in gaming and entertainment. AR is technology that alters what the wearer sees in his/her reality. Aeronautics and automotive manufacturers have been implementing AR with heads-up displays for years now, but wearable AR technology has seen slower development and adoption. In the future, we will be se...

E-Logistics Un cambio de perspectiva en los canales de distribución .

En un mundo cada vez mas competido, la logística desempeña un papel estratégico ocupándose de temas directamente relacionados con la gestión de la empresa en relación a sus clientes, proveedores y a sus procesos de producción. Además, hace un fuerte énfasis en el aprovechamiento de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones para mejorar tanto el desarrollo interno de la empresa, como las relaciones entre empresas (Business to Business, B2B) y la relación entre las empresas y sus clientes (Business to Consumer, B2C). Dentro del contexto del e-business, se presentan diferentes retos en los que de una manera u otra, las empresas y el mercado colombiano han ido evolucionando como es el caso de las compras a través de Internet, muchas veces entendidas al interior de las empresas como los envíos a domicilio, o al lugar de despacho escogido por el consumidor, en el horario y condiciones previamente convenidas. La pregunta que surge seguramente es ¿cómo lograr tomar venta...

2016 Supply Chain Trends: 7 of 12 Trends that Will Drive Supply Chain Management in 2016

2016 Supply Chain Trends: 7 of 12 Trends that Will Drive Supply Chain Management in 2016 796 As we head into a new year it is a good time to take a look at the coming year and see what it may hold in the way of trends. We kick off today a month-long focus on trends in the following categories: Manufacturing, Manufacturing Technology, Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transportation Management. We have already covered the  top 6 trends for 2016 in manufacturing . We will then do a deep dive all month long and until we have covered each trend individually within these categories. By the end of the series, we will have ample content to then turn it into a downloadable e-book that should serve any professional well as they look to continually improve themselves and, if they are a worker or manager within these categorical industries, can help keep an eye out for how you may apply a trend into your everyday workplace to stay competitive and efficient.  2016 Supply Chain Trends: The Firs...

La "RESILIENCIA" en la SUPPLY CHAIN (Cadena de Abastecimiento)

No cabe duda que al irse globalizando todo este asunto de la cadena de suministro, salen a relucir nuevos y “extraños” conceptos, como el que vamos a tratar de explicar el día de hoy en este artículo, y es el relacionado con la resiliencia ¿? ¡Hasta el procesador de Word Microsoft marca la palabra como un error de ortografía! Y como dijo “Jack el destripador” vámonos por partes. Una Cadena de Suministro resiliente Primero, el término resiliencia, significa (en el lenguaje de Ingeniería) “la capacidad de un material para recuperar su forma después de haber sufrido una deformación”, algo así como el Dr. Banner que se transforma en increíble Hulk y viceversa. Luego entonces la resiliencia en la Cadena de Suministro, puede definirse como la capacidad de la misma para recuperarse rápidamente ante eventos que impactan en su desempeño. Si bueno, pero que eventos. Pues aquí una clasificación sencilla pero desastrosa para la cadena. Eventos incontrolables.  El sismo de 1985 que destruyó par...


Every high performing supply chain is a digital supply chain.  Digital technology is disrupting traditional operations and now every business is a digital business. The impact on supply chain management is particularly great. Businesses cannot unlock the full potential of digital without reinventing their supply chain strategy.   Many companies understand the elemental nature of these changes and are already working to introduce digital technology into their operations. However, simply adding digital technology is not the answer. This approach overlooks the fundamental difference between traditional supply chains that have been “digitally enhanced” and truly integrated, re-invented supply chains whose DNA is fundamentally digital.    For digital technology to create significant improvement in business outcomes, businesses need to: Reinvent their supply chain strategy Reimagine supply chain as a digital supply network (DSN) that unites not just physical flows but also...